Version: IUC-2022-05-001
ImmersiveUnity considers the privacy of our website users and customers to be of paramount importance. Hence, we strive to only use cookies on our websites when necessary to proveide essential functionality, or when vital for the development of our website.
Therefore, this website uses only one cookie. It enhances website functionality and website security.
Cookie name: ep201 Duration: 30 min. Category: Necessary
Cookie function: This cookie is set by Wufoo for load balancing, site traffic and preventing site abuse.
For this reason, there is no cookie banner on this website, since no additional non-essential cookies are used.
Below, you can find information about what cookies are, how they are used, and how you can manage their use and storage in your browser.
This cookie policy applies to the following domain:
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that do not change; it is not a program and does not contain viruses. They are saved in your browser / computer when you visit a web page. They can be used to enable functions on webpages (for example filling in a form), or to provide the owner of the webpage with statistics on, for example, how many people visit the webpage.
You can generally divide cookies into two types:
- Session cookies. These only exist during the time you are on the website and disappear when you close your browser. Session cookies are used to make the website as efficient as possible for you during the visit, for example remembering a form you have filled out.
- Permanent cookies. These are stored for a varying length of time in your browser on your computer. These cookies are for example used to remember choices you have made on a webpage when you return to the same webpage, like language selection, and if you are still logged in or not.
What are cookies used for?
Cookies are used for a variety of things, for example: remembering login, keeping statistics on visitors, remembering settings and choices made by a visitor (such as language), and facilitating various functions on the website. Cookies are often important to make the website as efficient as possible and to create a good user experience.
How to handle cookies in your browser
If you do not want cookies on your computer, you can refuse cookies when you are presented with that choice when visiting a website. If you reject cookies, then only so-called function-necessary cookies may be used on the website.
You can also easily clear cookies from your browser in your browser settings. This option is usually listed under a heading such as “Clear web information”. In the browser settings, there is also the option to activate a general blocking of cookies. Exactly how you make these settings depends on the browser you are using. Information about this can be found on the Internet for all the different browsers available: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and others.
Remember that if you use several different browsers, you will need to make these settings in each browser.
How do ImmersiveUnity use cookies on this website?
As mentioned above, we only use a single necessary cookie on this website.
Cookie policy updates
You will always find the latest version of our cookie policy regarding this website on this page:
Further information
If you have any questions regarding our cookie policy, you can contact us by sending an email to
You can read more about how your personal data is handled in our privacy policy.